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The Fountains of Bellagio are sited in an eight-acre lake located in front of the Bellagio Hotel. The idea and character for the fountain were conceived by Mr. Steve Wynn, Chairman of Mirage Resorts, who commissioned WET Design to realize his objectives for the fountain's site.

The Project took form in the summer of 1995, when Mr. Wynn, together with Mark Fuller and Claire Kahn of WET Design, determined the feature's essential character. Among the Project's objectives was the concept of creating a work that would be vibrantly kinetic and elating for visitors, while expressing the romantic spirit of Bellagio

The result of the collaboration between Mr. Wynn and the WET Design team is the most ambitious water feature ever conceived in terms of choreographic complexity and scale.

Located within the lake and spanning its 1,000 foot length is an array of over 1,000 water expressions and over 4,000 individually programmed white lights. Within this plan is a combination of water forms that enables the fountains to interpret and perform to selected musical pieces. Some of the movement is continuous, responding to the smooth, legato passages of music, while other water jets are rapidly pulsing and staccato. The simplicity of the layout of water elements and the variety of vertical water expressions available in the fountain allow for breadth and variety in the fountain's kinetics. A range of musical works was chosen by Mr.Wynn for the fountain's shows, from classical and operatic pieces to popular music and songs from Broadway shows. In addition, Mr. Wynn and WET invited designers, musicians and performance artists to choreograph the fountain to the different musical selections. The result is a rich and dynamic collection of performances in water, each unique and expressive of its own musical character and the artist who created it. The performances range from delicate and whimsical to grand and commanding.

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